Read 'The sign of the last days- When?' by Carl Olof Jonnson and it will all become clear to you. The 14th century was much worse than our times, and thats just one example. Dont be so narrow minded as to believe that we are unique.
Sam the Man
JoinedPosts by Sam the Man
Earthquakes - sign of times?
by Qcmbr in8 for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these [are] the beginnings of sorrows.. is it just me or does the impact of earthquakes seem to be fulfilling end time prophecy (assuming jesus does turn up soon:).
i highlighted in red the ones that are for the last 100 years and also note that the current kashmir stats aren't in but they are over 70000 estimated dead.. datelocationdeathsmagnitudecommentsjanuary 23, 1556china, shansi830,000~8 december 26, 2004sumatra283,106 9.0deaths from earthquake and tsunami.july 27, 1976china, tangshan255,000.
(official)7.5estimated death toll as high as 655,000.august 9, 1138syria, aleppo230,000 may 22, 1927china, near xining200,0007.9large fractures.december 22, 856+iran, damghan200,000 december 16, 1920china, gansu200,0007.8major fractures, landslides.march 23, 893+iran, ardabil150,000 september 1, 1923japan, kanto.
Armeggedon new light?
by Cellist inan inactive, non-baptized person told my sister-in-law (faded, non-baptized) that the witnesses no longer believe that armeggedon is going be a world destruction.
does anyone know where she would get this sort of idea from?
this person is more in contact with active jws than we are.
Sam the Man
I do not know you but your continual expert analysis and disection of WT material is of great gain to many in the ex JW world, myself included. With you on board, how can they possibly try to pull a fast one again?
Many thanks for all you do,
All the best, Sam.
Anti-Semitic vs Anti-Islamic
by Jourles ini watched the apprentice a couple of days ago and something made me think for a minute.
during one of the team's task, the "gay" guy poked fun at the project manager essentially calling him a "tight assed jew.
" in the boardroom, trump brought up the question to the gay guy asking him if he was anti-semitic.
Sam the Man
What you find with many Jews is that they change their name to fit in to the 'gentile' west way of life. Trump is Jewish, no doubt about it.
Did you as a brother, do less to avoid responsibilities?
by truthseeker ini have no choice but to remain active in the "troof" - for family and friends.
one day i will leave, but that day has not yet come.. i am not happy about leading a "double life" but i really have no say - for the peace of the family and my own sanity i must maintain the status quo.
it's difficult coexisting - i go to some meetings, but i spend more time here learning about the society.
Sam the Man
Agree to do things then never do it. Its hilarious how they always give me things to do despite me never doing them.
Thats another of my favourites!!!!
Did you as a brother, do less to avoid responsibilities?
by truthseeker ini have no choice but to remain active in the "troof" - for family and friends.
one day i will leave, but that day has not yet come.. i am not happy about leading a "double life" but i really have no say - for the peace of the family and my own sanity i must maintain the status quo.
it's difficult coexisting - i go to some meetings, but i spend more time here learning about the society.
Sam the Man
You find yourself in a bad situation - I hope it passes. Try to make up a medical excuse, but do it properly - go to the docs, fake the situation etc. Maybe a back problem where you cannot sit for more than 10 minutes or else you get shooting pains throughout your back.
Hello to all
by mariposa inhi.. i've been meaning to introduce myself at some point in time when i had enough balls to ask some of the questions i've been thinking for the past couple of months.
however, i've had a horredous day and now just want to talk to anyone.... my hubbys asleep, gotta work tomorrow again...get to spend all day just me and the baby alone again.
i'm petsitting for the cutest dog who will not stop whining and clawing at the door every 15 minutes.
Sam the Man
Hi Mari,
Welcome... I hope this bad time passes soon... please know that it will pass.
What Pushed You Out The Door Of The Watchtower?
by minimus infor me, it was realizing that nearly every prophecy or commentary on a scriptural passage has changed.
througout the years, it's been new light, old light and even blinking light.
Sam the Man
It started when I realised that Bethel was full of hypocrites, carried on when I witnessed homosexual activity and finished when I read Ray Franz.
Anti-Semitic vs Anti-Islamic
by Jourles ini watched the apprentice a couple of days ago and something made me think for a minute.
during one of the team's task, the "gay" guy poked fun at the project manager essentially calling him a "tight assed jew.
" in the boardroom, trump brought up the question to the gay guy asking him if he was anti-semitic.
Sam the Man
Powerful Jewish lobbies have somehow created an untouchable status for the Jewish people. The ADL, for example, is a massively powerful, disgusting organization which labels people anti Semite for no reason whatsoever. I dont know whether you are aware of an author named David Icke, but basically he's a nutter who claims that reptiles run the earth. Anyway, the ADL said that Icke was anto semetic because when he says reptiles, he really means Jews. He denies it, but the ADL still label him as anti semetic.
Thats just one example. Media in general is anti Islamic, whilst being pro Jewish. Simply outlining the fact that many Jews are in positions of power within the media is enough for you to be labeled anti semite, and in places like the UK, you can be sent to jail for it.
While we hear, and are led to believe, that Islam breeds terrorists and the Catholic churches breed scumbag child molesting priests, we hear nothing of Judaism. Is it because Jews are so morally just and righteous, as their holy book states? We all know that there is good and bad in EVERY nations, no matter who.... Jew, Black, white, whatever. But the sheer absence of critique in media regarding issues such as peadophile Rabbis, and disgustingly racist Jewish teachings like that found in the Talmud where it clearly states that all Gentiles fuck cows and it is ok to have sex with 6 year old girls somehow creates and forms public opinions of sympathy towards Jews, alongside countless, endless stories of the Holocaust which play on public emotions. 1 million people died in Rwanda, 100 million Christians died in the Gulags... where are the films and countless documentaries regarding these atrocities?
Organizations like the ADL and the UK based racial equality board just breed more racism and hatred, sectioning people and causing divisions rather than healing them. But this is their game... it's what they want. Thats why in Society we are constantly played off against each other - Muslims vs Jews, Black vs White, Rich vs Poor, West vs terrorism, North vs South, Watchtower vs the world. With divisions, people do not have the power of mass to fight back. Look at Rwanda 1994. It all happened because the Belgians created the division of the people - Hutu and Tutsi. These people have lived together for years, but the Belgians played them off against each other, sat back, the French supplied the Hutu's with guns and abracadabra we have what we want, people killing each other, while we sit back and watch.
Christian wonder drug cures homosexuality - 'cures disease!'
by Sam the Man inwell here i am tonight already totally at my limits with all the absolute thick f****** wan***** letting off fireworks, when i came across this wonder drug.
i am pleased to inform you that stupidity is not just limited to my area; it is indeed worldwide.
i dont know who is more stupid; sad pathetic people who stare up at the sky in amazement as they watch their money burn in the air (lemmings), absolutely amazed that these things let off loud noises and lights as they say 'wooooooooooh' there goes another one.... or these sad idiots who claim to 'cure' the disease of homosexuality!!!!!!!
Sam the Man
Darn! lol, it looked pretty convincing. I guess this is why I am a ex dub!
How Did Watching Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" Make You Feel?
by Ianone inalthough i am not a catholic i found this movie to be the most powerful and uplifting thing i have ever watched.
for those of you who watched it, how did it make you feel?
Sam the Man
The Babylonian Talmud is the most racist religious work yet.